A tradition of excellence
At Harkness we have a rigorous college preparatory curriculum. Because of the rigorous nature of the program and the selectivity in the admissions process, all courses are equivalent to honors level courses. Our curriculum combined with the use of highly effective educational techniques gives students an in-depth immersion into subject material almost exactly as it is done at international universities. Thus the systemic transition from high school to university or college for Harkness graduates becomes virtually seamless. Not only do they learn what, they learn how to continue learning for the rest of their lives.

Today Harkness Institute can boast the highest College Board test in Mexico and the highest ENLACE, Mexico´s federally imparted test, scores in the state of Nayarit.
Moreover, Harkness students are consistently representing the state in math and physics competitions and the Harkness team consistently wins the robotics competition organized by the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Tec Challenge.
Furthermore, Harkness has successfully built relationships with premier high schools in the United States such as Phillips Exeter Academy, Choate Rosemary Hall, and Pacific Ridge to offer its students international exchange opportunities. Today, 70% of all Harkness students have an international experience.
However, the best measure of the school´s success are its graduates. We have a strong track record of admission to elite colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Mexico, France, England and Spain among them New York University, Florence Institute of Design, Cornell College, Whitman College, Savannah College for the Arts and Design, Texas A&M, Miami University, Rochester University, Embry Riddle, Miami University, ITAM, and ITESM.