Social service
Social service is not just a way of giving back to the community, it is a learning experience about social interaction and civil responsibility. It is expected that all students participate after school and even during the holidays. We want to educate socially responsible leaders. Students need to accumulate at least 100 hours of volunteer work in school approved activities to graduate.
Harkness students hold an art auction each year donating their work to raise money and buy food and other items to donate to orphanages and a home for disabled children. Last year the students raised $40,000 pesos for these charities.

Social Service is an essential learning experience…
In addition, the students serve as translators for Doctors of the “Circle of Concern, ” the State Tourism Bureau and the Pan American Games. They volunteer at the airport to help tourists find their destinations.
Between semesters, Harkness students conduct patrols day and night on the beaches protecting the nesting of the endangered Olive Ridley turtle. It is work, but everyone has fun in night pizza parties and bonfires. They even had time to bury the science teacher in the sand.